Christian Kilker, dealer in agriculture implements, is one of the most enterprising and progressive business men of Baileyville, as well as a man of native worth and substancial integrity of character. He has conducted his present business since March 8, 1884 and has received a hearty and flattering patronage from the entire section of country. He is a large real estate owner and deals in the shipping of live stock to Chicago. Mr. Kilker is a native of Germany born Dec. 31, 1837. at the age of 11 years he came with his parents, in 1848, to America. They are by name Christian and Johannah (Hagamann) Kilker. They settled in Maryland Township, Ogle County, the father entering 80 acres of land on Section 2. He died in this section of county; the mother still lives with her son August on the homestead which they founded in 1848. Their family consisted of three children, and they were members of the Evangelical Association. The father had $ 60.00 when he landed in Ogle County, which constituted his total possessions. At his death he had secured a comfortable competency, a pleasant home, and had assisted his children by every means in his power until each one had a good start in life. Christian Jr. received a common school education, and remained one of the home circle up to the date of his marriage Sept. 23, 1862. His chosen bride was Mary E. Fosha, who was born in Virginia. They are the parents of eight children, four of whom are yet living, by name: Lewis W.; Christian F.; Dora J.; and Lydia W. Mrs. Kilker, departed this life March 24, 1877 in the full faith and assurance of a blessed hereafter. She was sincerely mourned by her family and the community in general. Her wifely and motherly sympathies endeared her all who knew her. On the 4th of April, 1878, Mr. Kilker was married the second time to Amelia Kilker, who was born March 6, 1859, in Germany, and who was a daughter of Frederick Kilker of Ogle County who located here and engaged in farming in the year 1868, after which he exchanged for Plymouth Co., Iowa, where they still reside. The children of Mr. Kilker's second marriage are Samuel E.; Mary L.; Amelia J.; and Clara M. After his first marriage he engaged in farming for some length of time remaining in the township until March 4, 1884, when he came to Baileyville and opened his present place of business. As stated he is one of the largest land owners in this part of the county, having 280 acres across the line in Stephenson County, also a section in Pottawatomie Co., Kas., and 320 acres in Plymouth Co., Iowa. Mr. Kilker and his family are all members of the German Evangelical Church.
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