Ogle County

Researchers and Lookups

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e-mail - Roger and Sue Cramer
Roger and Sue Cramer's Genealogy Site

I am the unofficial Ogle Co. historian as I have been researching early families for the past 25 years. Sue and I were both born in Ogle Co. with our ancestors being among the earliest settlers. We are doing genealogical research in many areas and offer our assistance. We have most of the early families from Ogle Co. in our database with some traced back to Europe. Our database currently includes over 279,000 names.

We have Cemetery Records for:

Brookville Twp: Evangelical, Chambers Grove

Buffalo Twp: Fairmount, Buffalo Grove, St. Mary's Catholic, Reed

Byron Twp: Byron, St. Mary's Catholic

Dement Twp: Woodlawn (Brodies Grove)

Eagle Point Twp: Elkhorn Brick

Flagg Twp: Flagg Center, Lawnridge, Trinity Memorial Gardens, St. Patrick's Catholic

Forreston Twp: White Oak, Hewitt, Forreston Grove, Prairie Dell

Grand Detour Twp: Grand Detour

Leaf River Twp: Lightsville, North Grove Christian, North Grove Evangelical, Egan

Lafayette Twp: Chapel Hill

Lincoln Twp: West Grove, West Branch, Haldane

Lynnville Twp: Lindenwood

Marion Twp: Stillman Valley, Mouth of Stillman

Maryland Twp: North Grove Evangelical Zion, Coffman, Adeline

Monroe Twp: Kilbuck, Bennett/Porter, Dutchtown/Roseland, Monroe Center

Mt. Morris Twp: Silver Creek, Oakwood, Rice, Plainview

Nashua Twp: Daysville, Lighthouse

Oregon Twp: Riverside, Riverview, St. Mary's Catholic, St. Bride's Episcopal

Pine Creek Twp: Pine Creek Brethren, Pine Creek (Evergreen) Christian, Cedar Hill (Salem), Mt. Zion, Oak Ridge

Pine Rock Twp: Mt. Pleasant, Washington Grove, Emmanuel Lutheran, Stinsonian, Cooley/Seaworth

Rockvale Twp: Camling/Bald Hill, Brooklyn, Ebenezer Reformed, Wertz

Scott Twp: Big Mound, Beach

White Rock Twp: White Rock, Lucas/Hathaway, Chaney, Bethel/Hayes, Stocking


Cherry Grove Twp: Cherry Grove Brethren

Lima Twp: Brookville Lutheran, Schreiner, Chambers/Franks


Florence Twp: Hart, Ellis (Van Brocklin), Lane (Florence Station)

Ridott Twp: Ridott Christian Reformed, Silver Creek Reformed

Silver Creek Twp: Gund, County Home, Crane's Grove

Old Ogle Co. newspapers are available free of charge (except for postage if sent out of state) from the Illinois State Library on microfilm with some as far back as the 1850's via the inter-library loan program. Click here for more information on this program. The list of newspapers and dates available is posted on this site.

Click here for a complete list of genealogy books and documents we own

Click here for Roger and Sue Cramer's Genealogy Site


Jeannie Parkinson

I will do lookups from the following cemetery records:

Grand Detour, Leaf River, Maryland, Mt. Morris,

Oregon, Pine Creek, and Rockvale Townships

Federal Census:

Ogle Co. Index-1860, Oregon Twp.Census-1860,

and Ogle Co. Mortality Schedule-1860

Kathryn Arnold-Stauffer

I will do look-ups from cemetery records for the following townships:

Byron, Lafayette, Lynnville, Monroe, Marion, Nashua, Pine Rock, and Scott

Kim Taft

I will do look ups from the following book:

"The History of Ogle County, Illinois"
Published in 1878 by H. F. Kett & Co., Times Building

Shirley Kaufhold

I will do look ups from the following:

1850 Ogle County Census

"The First 100 Years 1882-1982" book about Leaf River, Illinois

"The History of Ogle County, Illinois"
Published in 1878 by H. F. Kett & Co., Times Building

David Zellers

I will do free gravestone readings for:

Silver Creek Cemetery in Mt. Morris Twp., Ogle Co.

Laura Balluff

I have the 1931, 1932, and 1933 issues of "Crimson and Grey,"the Mt. Morris High School year book.

I also have the book "War Record of Mt. Morris" edited and published by Harry G. Kable in 1947. This book presents information and some pictures of those who served in the Spanish American, Civil War, WW I, and WW II from Mt. Morris

I will do look ups from these books.

Donna Baumann

I will do look ups from the following cemetery records:

Forreston, Brookville, Mt. Morris, Lincoln, Eagle Point,

Pine Creek, and Buffalo Grove Townships

Sharon Nordman Ogle

I will do look-ups in these cemeteries:

Emanuel Lutheran (Paynes Point)

Mount Pleasant (Paynes Point)

Stinsonian (Paynes Point)

Riverview (Oregon)

Washington Grove

Layne Holley

I have the book "Brethren in Northern Illinois and Wisconsin" by John Heckman and J. E. Miller, Brethren Publishing House, Elgin, IL published in 1941.

The book includes an index and several pages of pictures. Please write for more information.

Karen Wolber

I will do look-ups from Adeline Zion Church Records 1900-1921

Shumway Family

Denny Shumway is a researcher of the Shumway family tree with over 42,000 names.

Amy Slagle

"Mount Morris: Past & Present" by Harry Kable 1938

"Genealogical Record of the Descendants of the Schwenkfelders" by Rev. Reuben Kriebel 1879

"Genealogical Record of the Schwenkfelder Families" by Samuel Kriebel Brecht 1923

I am willing to look-up surnames from the index, and send whatever information is available. The books on the Schwenkfelders contain my father's side --Yeakel, Kriebel who came to Polo from Pennsylvania.

Jen Morris

I have the 1928 Yearbook from Byron High School. It includes the alumni with their address at the time (Females by married name only). Will do lookups.

Christine Bradley

I will do look-ups from the "History of Ogle Co., IL" H. F. Kett & Co., Chicago, IL, 1878

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