Lived more than Sixty Years in Mount Morris - Engaged in Farming and Carpentering

The many Mount Morris friends of George Sprecher will be sorry to hear of his death which occurred at Zion City Friday night at 11: o'clock after a lingering illness. Mr. Sprecher spent a few days in Mount Morris in May of the present year and it is said that shortly after his return to Zion City he commenced to complain. His sickness continued and grew gradually worse during the summer although he had been able to be about until a month ago, since which time he has been bedfast. Death seemed to be the result of a general breaking down by age.

The funeral was held at his home in Zion City, Monday afternoon, at 1:30 o'clock and interment made in that city. The relatives from here who attended the funeral were his daughter, Mrs. P. T. Sprecher, his brother, John Sprecher, his sister, Mrs. George Windle, and nephew, Lewis Sprecher.

Unknown newspaper (probably Mt. Morris)

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