Lindenwood Cemetery

Lynnville Township

Lindenwood Cemetery is just south of the village of Lindenwood at the end of a lane off of Lynnville Road under many beautiful evergreen trees. The land for this good-sized cemetery was donated by Mr. & Mrs. Robert Pullin who were married at Stratford-On-Avon in England. It was established in the 1800's. The entrance lane has been designated a Prairie Preserve Area.

The land for the Lindenwood Cemetery was donated by Elijah and John Dresser in 1851. John and Jane Ryan Dresser and his brother, Elijah, arrived in Ogle County in 1847. Elijah Dresser is said to have donated adjoining land for the school and church and to have raised funds to construct the first Union Church. In the 1890s, he organized another campaign to create an endowment for the cemetery. John Dresser and his family moved on to Sibley County, Minnesota, in 1856. Elijah Dresser, a station master on the Underground Railroad, remained in Ogle County and is buried with his family in this cemetery.

Correction information provided by:

Jane Dresser, Simsbury, CT

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Photo by Laverne M. Stauffer

Dresser family gravestones - Photos by Jane Dresser, Simsbury, CT

Surname Index: (from mid 1980's)