August 19, 1935 - Grush Family Reunion
Freeport Journal-Standard, Freeport, Illinois · Page 12
The Grush family reunion was held Sunday at the home of A. W.
Dunn, 009 East Jefferson Street. A bountiful dinner wa.s served
at noon and a program was presented during the afternoon. The
program follows: Address of welcome-Alec Grush. Response-W. E.
Bomberger. Piano solo-Miss Mary Grush. Reading-Alva Dunn. Solo-Miss
Betty Dunn. Reading-Mrs. W. I. Grush. Duet-Miss Lulu Grush and
Mrs. E. H. Mdrrls. Reading-Margaret Morris. At the business session
which followed the following officers were chosen: President,
W. I. Grush, Webster, la.; vice president, W. F. Bomberger; secretary,
Mrs. Edward Wcgener, Chicago; corresponding secretary and treasurer,
Mrs, A. W. Dunn, .Freeport; historian, Miss Lulu Grush, Dawson,
The following were in attendance: Mr. and Mrs. D. I. Grush, Anaconda,
Mont.; Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Grush, Webster, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs.
W. E. Bomberger, Gowrie, Iowa; Mrs. M. Price, Albion, Iowa; Mr.
and Mrs. J. Price, Albion, Iowa; Mrs. A. T. Sweely, Rodney, Iowa;
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Horner, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Horner and family,
Lanark; Mr. and Mrs. Claude Horner and family, Rockford; Mr.
and Mrs. Alec Grush and granddaughter, Naperville; Mr. and Mrs.
J. C. Lampin, Mr, and Mrs. Charles Parks, Mr. and Mrs. C. C.
Parks, Polo; Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Arnold, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Dunn,
Freeport; Mrs. Vema Johnson, Mrs. Paul Roberts, Meeker, Okla.;
Mr. and Mrs. Edwnrd Wegener, Mrs. John Klcppin, Chicago; Mr.
and Mrs. W. H. Grush and family, J, H. Grush, Falls City, Ncbr.;
L. B. Grush and son, Robert, Morrill, Kansas; C, D, Grush and
daughter, Thelmo, Salem, Nebr.; Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Morris and
family, Dawson, Ncbr.; Geno Grush, Dawson, Nebr.; Miss Lulu Grush,
Dawson, Nebr.; Mrs. Alsie Read, Ottawa, Kans.; Mrs. N. B. Hersch,
Waterloo, lown; Mr. and Mrs. E. Harbaugh and son, Waterloo, Iowa;
Charles Wells. Los Angeles. Calif.; Mrs. Alice Eaklc, Adams,
Wis.; Mrs. T. A. Smith, Adams, Wis.; Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Tiffany.
Miss Verna Kleckner, Paul Wicneke, Miss Sophia Wclfelt. Mrs.
A. Wooliscroft, Mr. and Mrs. YV. A. Morrow and daughter, J. F:.
Miller, Miss Ann Lawrence, all of Freeport.